Saturday, October 3, 2009

A stolen afternoon away from work!

Today was a fabulous day!
This afternoon I escaped from work for a few hours and with a friend of mine went to a Gem and Mineral Show in Lexington. She got me a very awesome and beautiful clear quartz crystal, and I love it!!!!! I am including a picture here.
Then we went around and investigated a few of the parks in the Frankfort area. Our favorite by far was Cove Springs Park. And we took some great pictures! Check them out. I am going to try to squeeze in a trip back tomorrow, and take my digital camera. These pictures were all taken with my little work cell phone's camera.


  1. Good for your Girlfriend. Wow.. what shots.. beautiful.. and we all need nature-time to get replenished emotionally and spiritually. I hope you do make time to go again. Thanks for your comment on my blog about THE COLD. LOL. I'm being such a big Baby. I did fall and lose 3 teeth on black ice the other year.. fake ones look real however..but that made me dread the cold even more..

  2. I'm not afraid to lose teeth but to break a hip.. lol

  3. Great pictures! That waterfall makes me feel relaxed just looking at it. And that crystal is H-U-G-E!!!

  4. Have you ever read anything about Edgar Cayce? He was an amazing American prophet and healer and he spoke about the power of crystals and gems among many other healing modalities. I haven't read this book but anything with his name on it gets thumbs up from me: Edgar Cayce on the Power of Color, Stones, and Crystals
