I got to spend a delicious stolen 30 or 45 minutes at the library and checked out a couple of knitting books. I can't wait to start another groovy project. One is a book of patterns for kids 2 to 8, so Tara will finally be the recipient of something decent knitted. As one may recall, she is the ONLY person who wanted the very first thing I knitted - the rainbow scarf from hell...
As it is, I am working on a Noro self-striping scarf for her at the moment (pretty sure it is silk garden, the damned first scarf - too ugly to be seen in public - was kureyon), using the smaller needles, so it looks almost decent...
I had to cut my library trip short to go lead the vocational therapy group I have just started for the agency I consult for. It was fairly successful.
So I am still bitter, as I have to fly a couple of counties south now and go see my dad to give him his birthday cards and go see my ex to get some cash.
However, I am also planning on meeting a new SNB (since no one is allowed to say STITCH N BITCH!!!) friend to go ogle at Magpie Yarn in Lexington. Good thing Jane (the AWESOME owner) is so kid-friendly, because the demon daughters (my version of DDs) will be with me....
Can you tell I have determined that I am happier when I figure out a way to wedge textiles and YARN into my day? Or am I weaving the yarn into my day?
Oy vey.
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