Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Trying to get my bearings... when I can't bear most things.

Slowly but surely, I am emerging.  At least I think I am... 
This is supposed to be a blog about writing, but so far it reads more like a surf through mental illness or a whine... just needs a proper cheese.
So yesterday I took the day off.  It was a weird feeling, as I am not really a take a day off kind of person.  Or when I do, I am so wracked with guilt I end up working my ass off at home.  But yesterday, well, I prepared three meals, did no dishes (yeah, it is rough in my kitchen), and basically read to the point I was tired of Terry Goodkind, and wanted some nonfiction.  Weird.  Anyway, I plan on reading Eats, Shoots, and Leaves next.  Unless I get sucked back into the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

I also did a small made-up-in-my-head knit project.  A friend of mine has a cool eyeglass case hanging in her car, and so I made one up and finished it last night with help from my daughter (Chloe added the crocheted chain for a strap!).  She made fun of me for not being able to crochet, but that's okay, I can still knit pretty good for someone who taught themselves out of a book!  The in process and finished project pictures are at the end of this blog.  

Yeah, I know, I really need to be more energetic about housekeeping...  

I also goofed off with my children, which I try to do at least daily, if not more often.  
Here are the pictures of the day's fruits.  Unfortunately did not take a picture of the homemade veggie gumbo I made for lunch....

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hiatus OVER!!! or I am over this hiatus!!!

Okay, so I am back. 
Patience has been a virtue for you, Dear Reader, but alas! not for me... 
As in, I have had no patience for my circumstances-imposed isolation, and I need to come back into the world, or the bloggin' fold at the very least.  
So what have I been doing? I have been working in the retail world, and I DID NOT HATE IT, ha ha naysayers!
I enjoyed my coworkers and their antics, and even some of the customers were interesting. However, I remain convinced that a very interesting segment of the population as too much disposable wealth and too little common sense/compassion/personality... not that I did not know it before, but now I have more concrete evidence.  
There is also the other point I continue to make: I spent many years (and continue to) working with folks with disabilities, and the many of the supposedly non-disabled customers I met were WAY more impaired than anyone I ever worked with before.... I mean impaired in the sense of common sense/compassion/personality..... hmmm, it may be a refrain at this point in the song...

So I am back, still knittin, trying to write, and hanging with Saint Timothy of the Tapper and the Wild Ones...